Jay Chou needed a crew of many when working on this video for Fearless. Naturally he chose me, The Furchtlose Schloss-Aufsatz-Bergsteiger-Frau , as one of the technical advisors. It was fun working with the actors to help them overcome fears of falling off the fighting platforms; and fighting in the lush meadow (which was filmed on the edge of a cliff).Thanks to my childhood dance classes I actually got to work on some of the choreography as well (note the footwork 34 seconds in). And it was a kick to be an extra in the outdoor crowd scenes - I wore a pointy hat to blend in.
Being my faithful side-kick, New Mexico Man came with me and helped the actor in the blue uniform work on "military bearing". He also got to be in the video, right in front of the scene! He's the crazy guy bobbing his arms up and down in the outdoor fight scene (2:03 minutes in) . It took hours in the make-up chair to add those hair extensions. _______________________________ Most people are afraid of crowd scenes. Admit, I am Fearless.