“Climbed a 186 step tower that had secret documents under the top ornament. The view was great! What a neat mistake.” The photo is actually one of the postcards that we sent to family.
We started out early morning and stumbled on this castle by mistake while looking for “Saalburg” a reconstructed Roman Fort. Thinking the fort might be on the premises; we walked through the arched gate but quickly realized that we were mistaken. However, there was a nice inviting tower in the courtyard. The burg meister recognized me and started the crowd clamoring for action; so of course I had to stay and climb it.
An interesting side note: New Mexico man had transported cryptic documents across Europe for years. Once he found some old parchment documents in boring script. He translated the text into code on the back of each page "Just for fun". Imagine our surprise to find that these were the very same documents hidden under the ornament adorning the tower. We autographed each page per the burg meister’s request before tucking them back into their hiding place.
Most people are afraid of burg meisters. Admit it, I am Fearless.