Miscellaneous Meandering: New Office Chairs
When I was in Germany, one of my hobbies was conducting ergonomical research. As a result my boss bought new inovative ergonomic office chairs for all of us. Soon all of Europe followed our lead. We made a spoof video...very cutting edge at the time. I'm the one in the white long-sleeved shirt leaning way back. I prefer watching it without the sound; but you can decide which way you like it better.
This is fearless for sure. Bean bag chairs . . . I like to fill my bean bag chair with black jelly beans. Just make a little hole in the seam and voila a snack and a great chair!
P.S. Not as fearless as she thinks . . . Blogmeister must approve all comments since "afraid" responses will not be appropriate!
P.P.S. Aubergine! Big liar pants!!
This is a great idea and SOOOO manageable--HA! FYI, some people in special education recommend that we let some of our students sit on those exercise balls instead of chairs to help them stay focused. Can you imagine some children (those who cannot keep still on a chair) sitting on a big rubber ball instead of a chair?! I can just see it--instead of them playing with toys in class--a big plastic ball. Then all the kiddos would want one. I liked how it was fair in this video. All workers got a bean bag chair!
I also liked how relaxed you seemed in this video. Why haven't you put this plan into action at the Hospital?
This is stupid--you are not so fearless after all!! Don't you trust us? Why can't I see my post right now? I WANT IT NOOOOWWWWW!
Where is it? Where is it? What if I don't get approved? HUH? What then?!
Oh, I'm going to say something really bad and see if she deletes it. This way we can see if she's really fearless...
Listen to the song of the odd little birds peeping...and peeping. Be nice little birds. Sleep tight. Night-Night.
Will put in my 2 cents worth although I have so many passwords
and usernames I think I shall get lost in a maze of identities. I have a bean bag chair for emergencies. Just cut it open when you run out of food, boil, and voila a good meal awaits!
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