Monday, November 24, 2008

Part 9: Kitzingen (August 1990) (continued)

Kitzingen Tower:
I took the picture on the left outside of the can see the top leaning better in this shot. The shot on the right was taken at dusk. Notice the tricky diagonal positioning? - ooooh, ahhh.

Feeding 'pomme frites' to a young swan in Kitzingen.

In reality 'Dracula's Grave' was probably just the highly decorate grave of a very rich person or persons. Especially likely since Vlad the Impaler was from Romania not Kitzingen. Not sure what was wrong with the family or the sculptor they hired to adorn the grave with skulls sporting batwings, and a colorful scuplted ceiling of naked women and children amidst skeletons. It was quite elaborate.... elaborately warped perhaps...but elaborate none the less.

Most people are scared of feeding swans by hand. Admit it, I am FEARLESS.


Amber said...

Hmm...I had heard about the swan obesity problem in Kitzingen.

That grave is creepy! It would be interesting to know the family that would request such a grave.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to another episode of the fearless one. There used to be swans in City Park Lake and we would feed them and the ducks too. We should go feed the ducks.

-c said...

I'd love to go feed ducks with you....but you are anonymous so I don't know who you are. Perhaps you clicked anonymous instead of name/url so now there isn't even an alias with which to identify you. So sad...I really do like feeding ducks.

Tara said...

I love that word--pomme frittes! That room does look quite creepy.