Monday, July 20, 2009

Part 13: Marienburg Fortress (January 1991)

Friends were supposed to meet us at our apartment for an outing to Marienberg. When they didn't show, we gave them a sufficient buffer of time. Still they failed to arrive so we started to go on our merry way. We were walking to our car when we heard someone yelling "Help... help". We stopped and listened: the faint hoarse cry of "Help...we're locked in our apartment and can't get out". German apartments had the craziest doors and this was an actual daily danger. We looked up and there they were hanging over their balcony all red in the face.

Apparently our two friends had been yelling for over 40 minutes. Unfortunately the passers-by lacked both super hearing, and the ability to distinguish a prank American cry for help from an actual plea for assistance.

Of course we sprang into action (this being our first official rescue and all). I scaled the 16 story building while New Mexico Man rode the elevator. Together we used brute strength to extract our friends from their apartment and after a two hour delay; away we went to the Marienberg Fortress. Climbed many towers and ramparts on this day.

Some people are afraid to spring in to action. Admit it, I am Fearless.


Amber said...

Oh no! This was actually a fear of mine, living in our apartments, that we would get trapped into the balcony and would have to scream for help!

MIke said...

Locked in. Crazy german engineering.

Aubergine said...

I won't believe it until I see that photos! Who were those wild people?