Friday, October 24, 2008

Part 7: Wurzburg (continued)

The Residenz was truly an amazing place full of intricate details...too amazing for just one log entry. It was also the backdrop for our first brush with fame. In the first photo below, you will notice a film crew and the blonde Mr. Rick Steves.

New Mexico Man (in disguise) recognized CameraMan, Steves' side kick, and managed to catch his attention by using his "puffing up" ability. CameraMan snapped his head towards us and said "Cool shirt graphic man" (you will see the cool shirt in a photo below). This comment was overheard by Steves and this led to more chatting and conversation with Rick Steves. Brilliant plan! New Mexico Man is my BSK4EVR!!
[Best Side Kick Forever].

If you see the episode where he tours the Residenz - well, we were there with him. He left the out the footage of us for our protection as he "realized we were meant for greatness and didn't want to give us away too soon". Great guy that Steves!

Note: You can click the pictures to 'gianourma-size' them.


Anonymous said...

Awesome pics! Didn't realize you and NM Man were so famous.

Amber said...

I love Rick Steves!
Mike always makes fun of him when I watch him, though. I think he's jealous.

Tara said...

These pics are awesome. I am always amazed at the amount of money that is put into the buildings in Europe! The pic with the white, black and gold on the bottom left is my favorite. Are these pictures all from one location?

-c said...

Yes...all pics are from the Wurzburg Residenz. The one T' likes and the crucifix photo on the right were taken from the balcony of the Chapel after climbing the perilous spiral staircase. The chapel occupies one corner of the Residenz. It was called the "small" chapel. We did not think it was small.